As a Public Foundation, it is evident by our growth that Americans want to help Veterans and their families. The Patriot Fund is dedicated to being a vehicle for that support for our heroes! We also believe that our donors and supporters want to know how their contributions make life changing differences. Part of our mission is to keep our donors informed sharing stories and results to support the direct impact our donor’s gifts. We partner with Veteran-centric non-profit organizations who are making a substantial impact on the lives of Veterans. An added value for our non-profit partners is the connection we facilitate between our Operational Partners and our generous donor base.
Through a partnership with The Patriot Fund, non-profit Veteran-focused organizations can be part of the life changing impacts that provides positive futures for our local Veterans and their families. The strategically selected Operational Partnerships we currently have are made up of qualified charities, all who have a central focus which is aiding the Veteran community in many unique ways as our combined central focus.
Currently, all of our funds have been allocated, and we are not accepting outside applications for new operational partners. Operational partners are selected only with support from a Patriot Fund Board Member who believes in their mission and ensures that it aligns with our mission. Please feel free to check our website for updates to this process in the future.
With your generous donations, volunteering efforts and partnerships as a corporate sponsor, you are participating with The Patriot Fund to better aid our Veteran community. See below for various ways that you can make an impactful difference in Veterans lives and their families today!
Consider The Patriot Fund as your company’s next corporate sponsor today! Improving public image, gaining customer support, and receiving tax deductions are just a few benefits of corporate giving!
There is no such thing as a donation that’s considered too small. With your generous donations, every dollar counts. Donations of every amount do make a difference, so please consider making a donation today!
As opposed to writing a check or donating online, consider giving back in a more unique way! Check out some other creative ways to give to support our heroes. We greatly appreciate your support and patriotism!