The Eastern Amputee Golf Association (EAGA) was formed by Bob Buck, retired National Amputee Golf Association’s Eastern Trustee, and others who were interested in developing a regional amputee golf association.
The EAGA was formed along the same guidelines as that of the National Amputee Golf Association (NAGA) but has its own Officers, Constitution, Bylaws, and Membership Dues. EAGA’s prime purpose is to organize and conduct amputee golfing events and “Learn to Golf” clinics for any physically challenged individual, provide communication between its members and act as a bridge between its members and the National Association.
The EAGA also assists NAGA in conducting the “First Swing” seminars for rehabilitation, parks and recreation, and golf professionals.
We are so thankful for our partnership with The Eastern Amputee Golf Association and applaud them for all that they do for amputee Veterans and amputee golfers as a whole!