On July 10th, 2022, Danny Golden, a six-year member of Chicago PD and a Veteran, was out celebrating with friends and family in Chicago. During their celebration and being off-duty, Danny stepped in to break up a fight that broke out at the local bar. The fight got out of control, and sadly Danny was shot in the back after a verbal altercation broke out that ended with two people being shot, Danny included. While off-duty, Danny continued to be a man for the people, stepping in to help others in need with no ask of anything in return. The gun shot to Danny’s back sadly left him paralyzed from the waist down.
Once The Patriot Fund heard about Danny’s story, we felt a calling to help Danny through providing him with a Defender Mobility Trac Fab Wheelchair with the help of Project One Vet @ A Time (POVAT) and a few others including Matt Harris. Matt put The Patriot Fund and POVAT in touch with some amazing people from all around the country to be able to provide Danny with his new Trac Fab Chair. Jim Tignanelli & Edward Humpert of Defender Mobility drove five hours to deliver the all terrain wheelchair to Danny and to meet his family in person. Defender Mobility stops at nothing to make meetings like this personal and to ensure the chair recipient is happy with the donated chair.
Danny’s Trac Fab Chair was the 35th chair put in service through Defender Mobility and Danny could not be more thankful to be one of the chosen Veterans to receive this help! The Trac Fab Chair came just in time for Danny’s favorite time of the year – hunting season.