Devastating loss, night terrors and survivors guilt: One man’s journey from pain to peace.
The nights were the worst. Andrew served 5 years as a U.S. Marine and 3 years in the U.S. Army with two deployments to Iraq. He suffered from night terrors and lost six of his fellow comrades. After returning home, he struggled with survivor’s guilt and contemplated suicide on several occasions.
“Quantum saved my life, and I owe everything to them. They taught me that giving back is the best form of medicine.”
That was until Andrew found Quantum Leap Farm and attended a 5-day military retreat. It was a game changer. He was surrounded by a friendly staff, volunteers and horses who accepted him, wounds and all. He participated in a variety of best-practice therapy techniques with a team of licensed mental health professionals. Generous partners like the Patriot Fund enable veterans to get the healing they need from post-traumatic stress and other invisible wounds of war. The Patriot Fund is a multi-year supporter of Quantum Leap Farm with resources going directly to veterans who need it most.
Those who know Andrew can easily say he’s not the same person anymore. He has since returned to the military retreats on several occasions as a peer-mentor and completed the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington D.C. “Quantum saved my life, and I owe everything to them,” expressed Andrew. “They taught me that giving back is the best form of medicine.”
If you want to learn more about Quantum Leap and their mission, click HERE.